Dear Sillies,
How are you?
While I'm grateful to feel well loved and supported, I'm shocked and heart-achy. You might've seen on the news that Chico's Historic Bidwell Mansion went up in flames in the early morning hours of 12/11/24. (Even my friend in Australia, Anthony J. Langford, saw this news.) The Mansion was our city's heart, 150+ years old, visited by folks the world over, and housed mostly authentic artifacts -- nearly all ravaged.
One of my biggest honors has been portraying Annie Bidwell at community events for the past eight years. Thus, this tragedy punctures my heart as it does for so many. Nobody was hurt, and we'll persevere. What's lost is beyond precious.
What we retain, though, even more precious, especially now.
me as Annie in the Mansion, 12/2017